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Your HP: $playerHP slime HP: $slimeHP Healing potions: $playerPotions [[Attack->Combat][$playerAction = "attack"]] <<nobr>> <<if $playerPotions > 0>> [[Heal->Combat][$playerAction = "heal"]] <<else>> You don't have enough healing potions left. <</if>> <</nobr>> [[Rest->Combat][$playerAction = "rest"]]
<<nobr>> <<set $slimeAction = ["attack", "heal"][random(1)]>> <<if $playerAction === "attack">> <<set $slimeDamage = random(10,22)>> <<set $slimeHP = $slimeHP - $slimeDamage>> You attack for $slimeDamage points of damage! <</if>> <<if $slimeAction === "attack">> <<set $playerDamage = random(6,18)>> <<set $playerHP = $playerHP - $playerDamage>> The slime attacks for $playerDamage points of damage! <</if>> <<if $playerAction === "heal">> <<set $playerHealing = 20>> <<set $playerHP = $playerHP + $playerHealing>> <<set $playerPotions = $playerPotions - 1>> You drink a potion and heal yourself for $playerHealing points of damage! <</if>> <<if $slimeAction === "heal">> <<set $slimeHealing = random(1,15)>> <<set $slimeHP = $slimeHP + $slimeHealing>> The slime heals itself for $slimeHealing points of damage! <</if>> <</nobr>> <<if $playerHP < 1>> [[You lose!]] <<elseif $slimeHP < 1>> [[You win!]] <<else>> [[Continue->Combat select]] <</if>>
<<nobr>> <<set $playerHP = 100>> <<set $slimeHP = 100>> <<set $playerPotions = 3>> [[Start->Combat select]] <</nobr>>
You take too much damage from the slime and faint. [[Try again?->Setup]]
The slime can't hold itself together and explodes into a mist. Congratulations!